The residents of Wilmington, like all citizens, deserve effective representation and leadership from their elected officials. It's crucial for elected representatives to not only listen to the concerns and voices of their constituents, but also actively work to address those concerns and improve their communities. Rolling up their sleeves and engaging in the work needed to tackle challenges and pursue opportunities is essential for effective governance and serving the best interests of the people they represent.

Strong Economy

We need to invest in all parts of Wilmington. Building a vibrant community requires strategic investments in emerging industries as well as supporting small business owners. It also necessitates a commitment to equity and diversity.

Safe Communities

The government should work for the people. We need to allow for debate and democracy, but political discourse should focus on meaningful issues and actions that positively impact the community. Every Wilmington resident deserves governance that is accountable, responsive, and committed to improving the well-being and prospects of the people it serves!

Stable Government

Wilmington must support our neighborhoods to ensure residents and families are thriving. We need to decrease group and gun violence, combat the opioid crisis, and build the necessary mental health supports across Wilmington. Our residents need to believe that living a long and successful life is possible.

Let’s Back Bracy